Serves.2 – 3 / Prep time:2 hour’s/ frying time: 45 minutes



For the Dough

2 cups rice (soaked overnight in water)

1 teaspoon salt

2 table spoon gated coconut

For the filling

290 grams smoked tuna, sliced to very thin pieces

180 grams grated coconut

1 medium size onion, sliced thin

8 curry leaves, chopped

2 teaspoon grated ginger garlic

1 small Maldivian chilly, chopped

Juice of 1 lime

11/2 teaspoon Salt

2 teaspoon turmeric powder

For frying

Vegetable oil


To make the dough:

1-In to a grinder add soaked rice, salt, grated coconut and just enough water from the soaked water to make not sticky rice dough. When you take a small piece of dough between your fingers it should not stick to fingers. Set aside. Take about half cup of soaked water and keep aside and through the rest.

To make filling

2-In to a bowl add onion. Curry leafs, chilly, salt and lime juice. Using fingers squeeze the onions to release the juices out.

3-Add turmeric powder, coconut and smoked tuna, again mix squeezing the mixture to release all the flavors.  At this stage adjust the salt per your taste. Make marble size fish balls by squeezing little amount of filling between the fingers. Set aside.

To assemble

4-Take the rice dough, if it is too dry just sprinkle little water and massage the dough. From the rice dough take double the size of filling and spread between the fingers to make a small disk put ball of filling in the middle of rice disk and close gently. Squeeze gulha to release any air inside. And roll between the palms to smooth. When smoothed arrange on a plate. Do not put one over the other as this may stick and damage the white balls.

5-Heat enough oil to deep fry in a medium size pan, keep the heat very low. When a small piece of dough is dropped into the oil and I bubbles starts to form around it then the oil is ready for frying gulha. Put about six to seven gulha into the hot oil and fry on low heat until the outside is golden and very crisp. Take from oil and drain on paper towels. Serve hot.

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