Serving size: 6 to 7 people
Preptime: 10 minutes
This dessert is a refreshing and very delicious dessert. Instead of fruit cocktail you can use fresh fruits too. The amount of jelly granules in different packages may vary so it won’t be a problem as long as you use only one pack.
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 can sweetened condensed milk
1 cans nestle cream
1 big tin fruit cocktail, syrup drained well
1 (85 grams) package strawberry Jelly dessert or Jell O ( I used Foster Clarks Jelly Dessert )
For the Topping:
Pistachio (chopped)
1_ Add whipping cream into a bowl and beat until soft peaks.
2_ Into whipping cream add, nestle cream, condensed milk and put jelly dessert granules too.
3_ Beat until everything is nicely combined, add fruit cocktail and mix. Chill one hour and before serving sprinkle chopped pistachios.