Makes: around 20 kaamaranga / Prep time: 20 minuteS / Frying time:15 minutes



1 cup water

1/3 cup oil

¼ tsp salt

1 and 1/2 cup flour ( dholhu joadu)

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 tsp vinegar (optional, if you want a crunchier kaamaranga )

For syrup

11/2 cup water

2 cups sugar

1/2 tsp lemon juice

1 tbs. rose water (optional) or 3 cardamom pods & 2 inch cinnamon


1_Put all syrup ingredients into a sauce pan and cook syrup until all sugar is dissolved. Take out from stove and set aside.

2_Pour water, oil and salt into a sauce pan and bring to a simmer just when it starts to simmer, add the flour, and mix until it forms dough.

3_Transfer the dough into a bowl and let the dough cool.

4_Knead by hand to get the dough fully incorporated, add vanilla essence and vinegar knead again, now add eggs one by one and knead the dough to form soft dough, put this dough into a pipping bag with a star nozzle.

5_Warm oil and squeeze dough into the oil (do not make the oil hot, this will make the kaamaranga to cook only the out side, inside will be raw, so be patience and fry slow) then cut the dough when it reaches to your ideal length and fry turning the kaamaranga until golden brown, when fried immediately take out from oil and put into sugar syrup let the kaamaranga soak in the syrup for 15 to few minutes, and serve.


Note: The sugar syrup should not be hot when you put the hot kaamaranga to soak.

I think the nozzle use to make kaamaranga is wilton 1M nozzle ( it’s a big open star tip ) In                  the video I have used Wilton 8B nozzle.

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