Serves: 5 / Preptime: 1 hour



For filling

300 grms boneless chicken, cut into thin  slices.

1 onions, finely sliced

1/2 of a fresh chilly, chopped

1 tbsp.. grated ginger garlic

2 tsp red chili or lonumirus powder

1 tsp black pepper powder

1 tsp turmeric powder

½ of a red bell pepper, sliced

½ of a green bell pepper, sliced

salt to taste

3 tsp roasted curry powder

3 tbs. plain yogurt

For the outer layer

1 bread, sliced and crust removed

5 eggs

1 small onion chopped

1 small chilly, chopped


2 tbsp vegetable oil (optional)


To make chicken

1_Heat oil in a pan and add the onions, saute until translucent add the bell peppers, ginger garlic paste and chilly. Fry for a minute. Add chicken fry until slightly browned.

2_Add the red chili powder, pepper powder, turmeric powder, salt and roasted curry powder, add yogurt and cook 2 minutes. Remove from stove and set aside

3_ In a bowl add eggs, onion, chilly and salt, beat well. Set aside

4_ Dip bread slices in egg mixture and cover bottom and sides of a medium nonstick skillet, (to cover sides and small spaces tore the bread to appropriate sizes and dip in eggs, before putting bread slices you can apply some vegetable oil inside the skillet.)

5_When inside of the skillet is totally covered, spread the chicken mixture evenly on the breads. Again soak bread slices and totally cover the filling.

6_ Put the skillet on low heat stove top and bake until bottom side of the pie is lightly golden brown. Flip the pie upside down and bake until lightly browned. Serve hot.

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